Monday, January 7, 2008

Thoughts of the Day

William Hazlitt - "The art of life is to know how to enjoy a little and to endure very much."

As easy as it is to enjoy the joyous moments of life, more often then not, life is a struggle. It is in those times that we must learn to remain happy. That is what I think it means to endure. If we know how to endure we can learn to enjoy every moment of life no matter how difficult it may be.

Marie Curie - "Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas."

In today's era of Facebook, MySpace, etc., much of our precious lives are spent wondering about others and what they are doing. Even amongst best friends, we spend much of our time discussing the lives of others and being critical about other people. But what if such time was spent thinking about new ideas? Would we not be able to create an amazing world? In the new year, let's challenge ourselves to get more out of our relationships. I shouldn't sell myself short. God has given me something very powerful called curiosity but how I use it will determine what I get out of it! Let me use it to learn more about my world, and spend less time talking about others.

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