Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Thought of the Day

So I know its not fair me to call it Thought of the Day when it is not daily but hopefully I will get better about this!

"It is better to wear out than to rust out." -- Bishop Richard Cumberland ... Regardless of what we do, life is going to pass by. Either we will grow old having not accomplished anything or we can grow old with some greater experience and greater wisdom. When you wear out, there is a feeling of satisfactiona and achievement for having done something. There is no such beauty in rust. So don't just pass time! Let's make the most of the time we have and wear ourselves out for the betterment of our culture and our society...

It would probably be nice to know who the man was so here is a tad bit about him: He was an English philosopher of the late 1600s. His major work De legibus naturae (on Natural Laws) propounded utilitarianism and went against the work of Hobbes. The basis of his ethical theory is benevolence -- "No action can be morally good which does not in its own nature contribute somewhat to the happiness of man." (Just for reference, Hobbes believed that man as a moral being intriniscally will do what is in his own self-interest.)

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