Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Meet the Candidates....

So with the Elections coming around I thought that it would be good to get to know all of the candidates a little bit so that we can make the best choice as intelligent and responsible citizens...
Today I thought I'd take a little bit of a look at Mitt Romney:

He is a Republican candidate and former governor of Massachusetts. He is also a former CEO of Bain & Company and is the co-founder of Bain Capital, a private equity investment firm.

Romney is currently leading the Republican nominees in the election. He has won the primary in Nevada, Wyoming, and Michigan and has secured 73 delegates (you need 1,191 delegates to win the Republican nomination).

Here are some of his views on different issues:

Woman's Issues: Supports a ban of all abortions, except in cases of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother.
War in Iraq: Supported "troop surge" of early 2007 and opposes timed troop withdrawal.
Health Care: Supports making all health care costs tax-deductible, supports deregulating state health insurance markets to reduce costs, supports providing govt. assistance to the poor to purchase private health insurance.
Same-sex Marriage: opposes same-sex marriage and civil unions
Education: opposed and wanted to get rid of the Dept. of Education as a Senate candidate in 1994, supports performance-based pay for teachers, has not offered many details on higher education plans
Immigration: supports building a fence along the southern border of the US, opposes providing "amnesty" to undocumented immigrants already in the US by allowing them a pathway to gain legal status
Taxes: supports making Bush tax cuts permanent, supports eliminating all taxes on interest, dividends, and capital gains for middle-wage earners (those with incomes under $200,000) , signed a pledge not to raise taxes as president

For more info check out...
Mitt Romney
NY Times on Romney
Washington Post on Romney

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