Wednesday, November 14, 2007

No PDA!!!

Apparently the no PDA rule exists outside of youth camp! It's interesting because we live in a society where hugs and stuff are so common place. But have we ever thought about the impact it has on our subconscious? What about even just something as simple as the other person's intention? Has it ever crossed your mind that the guy/girl you are hugging may not be thinking the same pure thoughts you are?

Just something to think our culture, our parents and people before them never ever touched anyone of the opposite gender besides their spouses. Have we become a little loose? Or is this just a super conservative thought process??,8816,1683668,00.html


Unknown said...

who would ahve thought schools over here would want anti-PDA stuff
but it sux for the grl in this particular case...lik she gets detention for hugging her freind
neway...i have a ?
does anybody else read the stuff on this blog??

Unknown said...

yeah. my coach enforces the PDA rule and i was surprised when everyone knew what it was cuz i thought it was only a youth camp thing..

yeah ankita ur not the only one reading all this!! haha

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