Tuesday, April 22, 2008

In the News...

Sorry I was not able to go to other sources this time so all of the articles are from Time.com but the articles are good so I hope it makes up for it! Some really interesting things are going on in the world and these articles will give you a glimpse and a brief understanding without going too into the details...but if you are interested, challenge yourself to learn more and look into it!

The Pope was in America and it was headline news everyday but what exactly was he here for? What did he do? For those of you who missed it, here is a recap of his trip...

Israel and Palestine have been fighting for decades now and one American president has been trying his best to bring peace -- Jimmy Carter. Now he has made new progress but is Israel willing to work this one out? Will America support Carter and make this happen? Hamas has actually agreed to accept Israel and this progress should truly be applauded and recognized!

I am sure all of you have seen China-Tibet on the headlines a lot recently. In case you're totally unsure about what is going on, basically the debate is about whether Tibet is its own country or not. The Chinese believe that Tibet is a part of China and they do not recognize the Dalai Lama (in fact they have exiled him). Tibetans are fighting for their independence and their own rights. It might be easy to think that one side is right and the other is wrong but challenge yourself to see it from both perspectives before you decide... Isn't it unfair that the Tibetans are making such an issue of it after all these years just when China is on the global stage and about to host the Olympics? Aren't the Tibetans and the Dalai Lama peaceful and tolerant? Why are the Chinese treating them so poorly? This article is just about China's view on what is going on... This second article is about how China isn't necessarily excited about all the patriotism that is arising...

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