Monday, March 10, 2008

In the News...

I apologize for the long hiatus in posts but it is indeed well overdue so here are some of the latest interesting articles I have read... I am going to stick to a science theme this time and avoid politics for a change so hopefully you find something you enjoy... (the first picture by the way is not related to the articles... its a picture of some kids in Bulgaria swinging fireballs... now that sounds like fun!)

Astrology: Apparently the Earth will not last forever! It is unbelievable how intricate our universe is and any time you start reading about astrology, it drives you crazy. There is so much precision in everything and this article reflects exactly that...the natural order of the universe suggests that from time to time there is destruction and then creation again. It's okay though, we still have 7.59 billion years left!

Psychology: Finally it has been recognized by science that culture does affect the way we think, the way we perceive and the way we understand! So if you and your friend don't necessarily see eye to eye, you should realize that perhaps you are both coming from totally different viewpoints and it really isn't a matter of right or wrong! Understanding this difference has a powerful impact on cross-cultural communication and helps us to be more open-minded when encountering different people...

Sociology (maybe): America has more than 1% of its people in prison! That is 1 in 100! It is unbelievable how many people we lock up. Perhaps we have a culture that fosters crime here and it is time we look at our society a little more closely! The amount of money we are spending to lock people up is outrageous and if that kind of funding went towards education, we would have a much greater society and probably less criminals too! It is important to know about these things so we can demand change and help bring about reform...

Physics: Remember learning about friction and springs and potential energy and heat and all that? Well some scientists have created a device that creates usable energy using wasted energy that results from walking (as shown in picture to the right)! At a time when energy is hard and expensive to come by, here comes yet another innovative idea using the basics of physics. Perhaps they weren't really a bunch of useless concepts after all...

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