Wednesday, May 7, 2008

SAT Prep of the Day 7

Word of the Day:
CONTENTIOUS -- argumentative.
The meeting was a disaster because of the contentious people who wouldn't let anyone else talk.

Question of the Day:
Today's question is from the Critical Reading section... Choose the word that best fits the meaning of the sentence...

The committee’s report was entirely ------- ; those who ------- it did so with the deliberate intent of damaging my reputation.
a) erroneous . . expunged
b) legitimate . . perused
c) infallible . . endorsed
d) spontaneous . . compiled
e) malicious . . circulated

Whatever was in the report, we know that it was damaging to the person's reputation. Thus the first word has to be something pretty negative...NOT spontaneous or legitimate or infallible. Something erroneous could lead to damage but for the damage to happen the report had to be published or spread, NOT expunged (to get rid of). That leaves us with E!

This was rated as a hard question and hopefully you saw that it wasn't too bad!


Anonymous said...

what was your SAT I score?

Weston CT SAT prep said...

Oh, that was easy. One of the multiple-choice definitions I caught was "lissom". I'd never heard the word before... Luckily, I managed to reckon and make the right choice.

Christian said...

I'm an SAT instructor and it makes my heart happy to see more online resources for SAT prep that my students can use. One recommendation I have for everyone and anyone that's doing SAT Vocabulary Prep is to read this article: SAT Vocab Words

It's a review of an excellent, inexpensive SAT-vocab building solution. There are tons of other SAT prep tips as well!

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