Monday, December 10, 2007

Expanding Our Horizons...

This article is about a new form of graffiti that is being used thanks to modern technology...LASERS! Basically you use a laser beam to make an image on a building. Kinda cool idea:,8599,1693044,00.html

Also, an ebola breakout! For those who don't know, ebola is probably the most contagious disease ever and it is lethal. You read about in biology sometimes but you never think there could be an actual outbreak...

And talk about needing to expand our horizons...the US continues to be stubborn about doing anything for our environment. This morning, Al Gore was on CNN and he was talking about how we really only have 5-6 years to make significant changes in the way we live if we want to save our environment the way it is. The US is the biggest polluter per person in the world and yet we aren't willing to follow any rules...

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